Welcome to Juan’s new website!
This has been a long time coming but we’re pleased to finally share our re-designed website with you, featuring a stripped back aesthetic and that custom Juan spice. You’ll be able to find out what we’re getting up to in a more user-friendly manner. The latest collection of hand drawn icons - specially created by our resident cartoonist Chas – contain a few teasers of what’s around the corner!
Here’s a quick breakdown of what to find and where, so you’ll be feeling at home in no time:

With the homepage being your first port of call you’ll find snapshots of the latest Juan news from across the board. If something takes your fancy just click on the article to delve deeper. However, if you already know where you’re heading then hit the desired Juan icon and you’re away!
If absolutely nothing floats your boat and you just keep on scrolling then you’ll no doubt converge on a selection of photos comprising of records, paintings, sound systems and more. You’ve now arrived at our insta feed, a last-ditch attempt at grabbing your attention with some not so subtle flexes with records you thought Etherwood held a monopoly on.

What do we have here then??? Not going to let on too much - but keep an eye on this page, things are happening...but for now they remain shrouded in secrecy

You have probably realised we’ve been quiet on the events side (venue issues, don’t start me off) - but do not fear because plans are in the pipeline, and yes, the cake does have 3 candles. Whilst you’re holding your breath for our next party, you could pass some time browsing our previous lineups and artworks.

We’ve put some time into cleaning up the blog to make it easier to read and navigate so you can digest all the dubstep goodness you require! Expect to see many more reviews through the door, as well as the continuation and addition of some features we’ve been meaning to get around to.

People have been asking us for a while now if they could have some Juan stuff to fill their washing baskets, and it should soon become possible to cop a variety of bespoke items from our shop including clothing, accessories, tickets and more… (ooo vinyl maybe)

Our very own members area. Join the global family where we can keep you in the loop and offer you exclusive deals as a thank you for your support. You’ll also find it includes some nice features, making it easier to check-out quickly and interact with the blog to share your views.

An extension from the Juandem, the Forté forum is the space for your refined dinner party dubstep conversations. Join the community, have a chit chat and share your knowledge and opinions with other likeminded heads. Positive vibes only (yeah that’s right, we can block you)

For those who don’t have a clue where you are, why not have a quick read up before disappearing? Alternatively, if you’re trying to get in touch with us all the contact information you need can be found here. Please don’t be afraid to drop us a line at any time, we love making new friends.