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Bandcamp No Fee Friday - Small Selectjuan


Easy everyone, if you've been anywhere near any internet-enabled device today you'll no doubt know that Bandcamp has waived their fees for the day, letting artists keep the full amount of any purchases. This is by no means a comprehensive buyers guide for today, plenty of those exist elsewhere. But if you're looking to make a couple of purchases, then the releases in this post will give you the bang for your buck!



The king of ethereal floaty beats has a whopping 7 tracks out today. Some classics in there including 'MIMICME' and 'SHortsighted'. Always a sucker for the unheard stuff, I was blown away by LAZYDAZE when making the above video. His classically trained background really drives though in this one, with some absolutely haunting melodies. The interspersing of steel drums adds another dimension to the track. It'll make sense when you're just sitting around the house hiding from Corona, but will still see you through when we're all allowed to leave again and you can make it to a beach.


Drumterror - Isolate/Congregate

Drumterror drops a dichotomous EP with the Isolate/Congregate EP. The first two tracks dedicated to dubby relaxation and the last two filled with frenetic energy for that first step back on a dancefloor whenever that may be. We were lucky enough to upload the title 'isolate', and fuck me if I haven't fallen in love with this tune. SParsed out eyes down anthem. It's not often you get to commend tunes that run at 140bpm for their impressive use of guitar licks, but there's some Santana level guitar madness going on in here. Highly recommended.


Mr.K - SHroom+PulsE+Ghostface

Mr.K takes no prisoners with these ones. The low end will permeate whichever room you play any of these tracks in. We managed to grab 'Shroom' to stick up on YouTube and believe me when I say it's a fucking percyyyyy. There's not a lot I can actually say about the tune other than 'heh, bass makes room go brrrr', but I think that's actually what makes it such an enjoyable track. It just hits that spot that all fans of this kind of music have. Essential cop.


Traces - TRAces003

this is the third time we've had the traces boys up on the YouTube now. Proponents of the species tuna, there isn't really a Traces track that disappoints. We managed to grab 'Farewell' from them, which is a certified Soundsystem schwenger and won't disappoint. You can't, however, ignore the tunes this one sits between. If you listen in succession, you get three flavours of Traces. I always rate EPs that show off production dexterity and this is no exception. 'Suffering' is a dubbed out nice little feel-good riddim (contrary to its name). 'Projection' is an astral banger, designed to take you off the face of the earth and transport you someplace else. It's probably my favourite track on the release actually, Blade Runner Blues for the locked indoors massive.


Zygos - Pusher EP

In the last few months, I've decided I'm a professional guy who likes to communicate via email. It's a lot of 'hope you are well' and 'most sincerely'. Unfortunately, Zygos fucked this all up for me by sending this tune to the email and I turned into the guy who replies to emails with expletives to enunciate the gas levels. These two are just something else. That signature Zygos twist where the tunes exist right on the threshold between weird and wavy. Those arpeggiated synths in 'Pusher' are just otherworldly. 100% recommend spending the 3 Euros on these ones.


There you have it, folks! As I said, this isn't a comprehensive list of everything that's out there today. But if you're broke or stingy and want to limit your selections, then these five will see you come out top.

It seems like Bandcamp might be making this a regular thing for the next few months, so if you're going to capitalise on the next Fee Free Day and want some words or juanimations feel free to hit up the gang on!


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